Common Wound Care Mistakes


Is your wound infected?

It is important to monitor your wound for infection as you take care of it on a daily basis. If your wound changes in appearance, this does not necessary mean it is infected. While working in a surgical practice, we have noticed some common concerns that our patients have about their wounds. While some of these complaints can be serious, others are easily preventable by avoiding some common mistakes. These include:

1.  Too much or too little ointment

When caring for your wound, it is important to keep it in a moist healing environment to provide the best cosmetic results and protect it from bacteria. We recommend a thin layer of Vaseline or a prescription antibiotic ointment given at the time of your visit.

When too much ointment is used: the edges of the wound are going to look white and puffy. Similar to when you go swimming for too long! This is called maceration and can be fixed by simply using less ointment.

When too little ointment is used: the wound will begin to dry out and form a crust (or scab). This is easily fixed by using more ointment.

2.  Irritation around the wound due to harsh adhesives or large bandages. ​

​Wound bandaging is typically done on a daily basis, for a time period ranging from one week to a month. During this time, it's important to avoid irritation (itching and pain) around the wound that can be caused by adhesives. Try using small bandages with gentle adhesives, such as paper tape or sensitive-skin bandages. You can also slightly alternate the position of the bandage each day. In some cases, the irritation can become severe, begin to damage your skin, and become painful. In these cases, you should come into the office as soon as possible for further evaluation.

3.  Using your own products on open wounds

While there are many natural remedies to expedite healing, plain vaseline and a covering is the best option for a fresh wound. If there’s a product you would like to try, please ask Dr. Al-Dabagh as some products can cause damage or hinder healing. Scar products are only to be used after the wound has closed fully. We have seen sugar, honey, essential oils, beauty creams, and toilet paper incorrectly used on wounds. Be cautious when dealing with open wounds- they are very fragile and have an important job in creating new skin for you!

4.  "My wounds need fresh air"

​Keeping a wound covered can be uncomfortable, but this will allow the wound to heal much faster in a contained environment that keeps out germs. Your wound will get plenty of fresh air once it has a new protective layer of skin. You’re welcome to leave the bandage off when showering or for a little while at home, but keeping it covered is the best route.

5.  Hydrogen peroxide

While not necessarily a “mistake”, a common misconception is that if hydrogen peroxide bubbles, it means your wound is infected. Hydrogen peroxide will bubble whether your wound is infected or not. A chemical reaction occurs while cleaning and creates little oxygen bubbles. Don’t sweat over the bubbles.

6.  Wash your hands!

​Last but not least, the most important and simplest way to prevent infection. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before caring for your wound.


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